Windhorse Zen Community

Windhorse Zen Community, Inc. is a residential training center offering essential Buddhist teachings and practices within a lay, community-based context. By working with evolving forms of dharma practice—ones uniquely responsive to the relational, psychodynamic, and ecological forces that shape our present reality—we seek to help people live fuller, freer, and more compassionate lives.

The training at Windhorse is open to all who seek a more authentic and fulfilling way of being in the world. Working with breath, koan, and awareness practices, we offer regular weekly sessions, residential training, sesshin retreats, and Zentensives. Windhorse is maintained as a 16 acre wildlife refuge, and is located just outside of Asheville, NC, and overlooking the Blue Ridge Mountains. Sunya Kjolhede and Lawson Sachter, the founders and spiritual directors of Windhorse, were ordained and sanctioned to teach by Roshi Philip Kapleau.

Sunya-roshi, along with her other teaching activities, has traveled regularly for over two decades to Poland, where she serves as spiritual director of the Bodhidharma Zen Center, a Polish Zen community founded by Roshi Kapleau in 1975. She has trained in Clinical Pastoral Education, working for a period of time as a hospital chaplain, and has also worked as a storyteller in schools.

Lawson-roshi is also the spiritual director of the Clear Water Zen Center, and a licensed psychotherapist with extensive training in Habib Davanloo’s ISTDP. Many of his clients have been engaged in dharma practice, and he also leads specialized trainings called Zentensives. These retreats are APA accredited trainings designed specifically for mental health professionals, and others interested in working with the unconscious dynamics that arise during intensive meditation.

While the practice at Windhorse is rooted in the depth and power of East Asian wisdom teachings, we also value the contributions of the psychotherapeutic community to the greater well-being of so many. We emphasize a dynamic practice both on the mat and in the world—a living practice that helps us to respond in wise, flexible, and heartfelt ways, to the realities and urgent challenges of contemporary life.

Autumn Ango

Zoom Only

September 15-December 15

     Starting Sunday, September 15 and continuing until after the December Rohatsu Sesshin, Windhorse will be engaged in our Autumn Ango period. The word Ango has been translated as “dwelling in peace.” It refers to a long-standing Buddhist tradition of hunkering down into intensified residential practice, but unrealistic for most of us.


     Our hope during this season is to kindle a spirit of intensity and peace in our own community. We are a sangha engaged in the world — practicing with so much heart and dedication, even as we move through our lives with jobs, families, and the particular challenges of modern human life. What does “dwelling in peace” mean for us as individuals, and as as a sangha? Let’s hunker down together this autumn and allow practice to fill our lives and our community. To that end, much will be on offer!

     During this Ango, we will engage in Sutra Study of the Heart Sutra beginning Sunday, October 13. Sunya-roshi will also be giving teisho on the sutra throughout the Ango. The Prajna Paramita is the most chanted Buddhist text, and is a dynamic distillation of Zen teaching. It calls each of us to see into our true nature and “go totally beyond.” 

      In order to accommodate more members with varied schedules and commitments, our Sangha Practice Groups will be offered at different times throughout the week, and can be joined independently of the sutra study (through we hope you’ll come to both). These groups will start the week of September 29 and will meet biweekly. We invite you to choose a meeting time that is right for you, and then commit to attending all five scheduled meetings. This is a chance to enliven and enrich our Sangha connections, and to share support as we endeavor to deepen and broaden our practice commitments.

Formal Meals During Autumn Ango

In-person and Zoom Only

12:00-1:30 PM

Wednesday, September 18
Wednesday, October 2
Wednesday, October 9
Wednesday, October 16
Wednesday, October 30
Wednesday, November 6
Wednesday, November 13
Wednesday, November 20
Wednesday, December 4

   Throughout the three months of Ango, Windhorse will be offering in-person Formal Meals on Wednesdays, with zazen, chanting, offerings, and noble silence as we eat together. If you cannot make it to Panther Branch, you’re most welcome to join via Zoom to lift your own bowl and chant along with us.

About Windhorse


Getting Started

Great is the matter of birth and death
Life slips quickly by
Time waits for no one
Wake up! Wake up!
Don’t waste a moment!

– Zen Master Bassui