May 30, 2021
Finally we’ll be able to share this lovely dharma center again — our first IN-PERSON gathering in over a year. For everyone’s sake, and because we’d like to include a potluck meal and also because people will be using the bathrooms, we ask that all adults who attend be fully vaccinated.
Obviously this mainly outdoor event will depend on weather conditions. Here is a tentative schedule -- but feel free to arrive at any time during the day.
Tentative Schedule:
- 9:30-10:10: Gathering; set up your place and join others for Zazen on the Terrace
- 10:15-11:00: Sangha Meeting — Windhorse news; a chance to commune, ask questions, and offer suggestions
- 11:15: Vegetarian Potluck Lunch
- 11:45 and beyond: Music, conversation, etc. — musical offerings from sangha member David Matters, and anyone else willing to play!
What to bring:
- A vegetarian dish to share
- Your own plate, utensils, mug, and napkin
- Optional: A non-perishable food donation for the Steadfast House, a homeless shelter in Asheville working with women veterans and their children.